Wednesday, 1 May 2013

How effective is the combination of our main product and ancillary texts? (Question Two)

Ancillary texts (Poster and Reviews) are primarily used to advertise the main product (Short Film). This combination is shown throughout the poster and film because they share a similar style,
Here you can see that the same font was used in both products, this is because it creates a consistancy throughout the themes of both. However looking at industry products the poster designs normally favour a more simple font style. We decided against this because of the style of 'The absence of Reality'. The use of prolonged silence and very little dialogue shows that it is theme heavy and is about interpretation. This means that using the same font will allow for the transition to be easier and the main themes to be understood easier.

You can see above that the image for the poster has been taken from the short film directly. This also gives the theme of the film and makes it interesting for the audience. This is proven in the feedback recieved from facebook

Here people have shown their interest in seeing the short film and their interest in the themes. This shows that although it differs from what is found in real institutions it is still effective.


The review however uses a seperate font and style as it will be in a newspaper, who will use their own layouts and fonts.

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