Thursday, 10 January 2013

Film posters Pt 2

 Coffee Films
Silence Amplified
Music video for the song Silence Amplified by indie rock band Burning Shapes
I like this poster as it creates a feeling of drama and annonymity, something I want to present in my film. I like the use of a single colour being chosen and amplified, I also like the use of completely blacking out the person so we cannot see him. The font in this poster is very simple and creates a feel of technology, not something I want the audience to associate with my film.

Experimental short film exploring Orwellian themes of enforced surveillance
 This poster for Televisual Man is similar to that of Silence amplified. However it focuses on the characters face. I think this could have a good effect as a poster for the film as it connotes an intensity that I want to feel for my film. The font in this poster is similar to Silence Amplified but much bolder and thicker. However it doesn't fit with the genre and style of my short.

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