The Flashbacks should increase in tension as they happen, so the first beach sequence should be slower and softer than the later sequences. This means that the music should be similar to the feel of the cinematography and should be faster
Beach Sequence:
Enters the flahsback from the signt of the pebble
Basketball scene:
Enters the Flashback with Marc hitting a basketball off a table. The last one and thus is the one when they are the oldest. This is going to be set after the death of their parents (the only one that is) and as they are playing basketball they are confronted by 'bullies' who in some way mention their parents. This is where the older brother 'punches' the others. We then cut away on the landing of the punch to the basketball.
Cinematography and Edit:
I want to sue close ups of the mian character 'Marc' during the argument. While the 'bullies' shout at the two brothers we never see their faces or the older brothers. We only hear from 'Marc's' perspective. The cuts should be fast paced during the scene and the feel should be slightly uncomfortable and nightmarish. The sequence should end on a mid/close of the ball bouncing, this bouncing should be a piece of pictoral editing to the same shot within the house after 'Marc' hits the basketball off the table (the opening to the flashback)
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